happy_day99uk: I could tell some tales.....
happy_day99uk: oops..did I tread in something nasty.
happy_day99uk: You dont mess with me.
happy_day99uk: On parade
happy_day99uk: Stormtroopers on parade.
happy_day99uk: The war will soon be over.
happy_day99uk: We will fight them on the beaches
happy_day99uk: I will only say this once.
happy_day99uk: Smile please
happy_day99uk: I've been spotted.
happy_day99uk: track inspection
happy_day99uk: The Yanks are here.
happy_day99uk: The sentry
happy_day99uk: Well armed.
happy_day99uk: A very fancy hat.
happy_day99uk: Lea-Francis
happy_day99uk: In for repairs.
happy_day99uk: The apprentice