lmainjohnson7: Snow and Shadows
lmainjohnson7: highbush cranberries and snow
lmainjohnson7: vermilion afterglow
lmainjohnson7: river, reflections and winter sunset
lmainjohnson7: last view of sun before midwinter
lmainjohnson7: Okotoks sunset watercolour
lmainjohnson7: river valley gloaming
lmainjohnson7: Peel River-February
lmainjohnson7: Kent and clouds-summer solstice
lmainjohnson7: Arctic Winter Camp
lmainjohnson7: Fall colours/highbush cranberry
lmainjohnson7: chokecherry leaves
lmainjohnson7: red willow-white berries
lmainjohnson7: Canyon de Chelly-fall colours
lmainjohnson7: Yukon sunset at Windid Lake
lmainjohnson7: Great Bear Lake from Deline 2am
lmainjohnson7: camas flowers
lmainjohnson7: fern and flowers, May 2009
lmainjohnson7: wild rose flowers
lmainjohnson7: Midwinter dawn
lmainjohnson7: midwinter sundown- winter solstice
lmainjohnson7: Solstice blessing
lmainjohnson7: coil of snow
lmainjohnson7: ice, tree and sky-Skeena winter 1989
lmainjohnson7: Night sky- rainbow and trees
lmainjohnson7: rainbow and reflection
lmainjohnson7: aqua water, golden leaves, rock and foam
lmainjohnson7: black spruce and Simpson Lake
lmainjohnson7: light on the water- Simpson Lake, Yukon
lmainjohnson7: Okotoks December sunset