mikeweky: Go Wellington trolleybus along Courtenay Place
mikeweky: Wellington trolley buses always along Courtenay Place.
mikeweky: Wellington trolley buses always along Courtenay Place.
mikeweky: Trolley buses along Courtenay Place, Welington. (October 2017)
mikeweky: Wellington trolley buses always along Courtenay Place.
mikeweky: Diesel and trolley buses along Courtenay Place, Wellington
mikeweky: DSCF1282
mikeweky: Wellington Trolley bus at Courtenay Place. (October 2017)
mikeweky: Lone trolley among the diesels at Courtenay Place,Wellington
mikeweky: DSCF1285
mikeweky: DSCF1286
mikeweky: Wellington trolley bus always along Cambridge Terrace.
mikeweky: DSCF1288
mikeweky: DSCF1289
mikeweky: DSCF1290
mikeweky: Wellington trolley bus along Cambridge Terrace
mikeweky: DSCF1292
mikeweky: Two Wellington trolley buses heading south along Kent Terrace..
mikeweky: Two Wellington trolley buses heading south along Kent Terrace.
mikeweky: DSCF1295
mikeweky: DSCF1296
mikeweky: DSCF1297
mikeweky: DSCF1299
mikeweky: DSCF1300
mikeweky: Lyall Bay bound bus at Coutenay Place
mikeweky: Lyall Bay bound bus at Coutenay Place
mikeweky: Lyall Bay bound bus at Coutenay Place, Wellington (2017)
mikeweky: Wellington trolley bus waiting at Manners Street traffic lights. (2017)
mikeweky: Wellington trolley bus turning into Taranaki Street.
mikeweky: DSCF1309