mikeweky: Karori Library site before construction commences.
mikeweky: Foundation work for the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Foundation work for the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Foundation work for the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Walls and columns of the new Karori Library emerge.
mikeweky: Walls and columns of the new Karori Library emerge.
mikeweky: Work o the walls and columns continue of the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Work o the walls and columns continue of the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Work o the walls and columns continue of the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Work on the walls and columns continue of the new Karori Library. Form work for the first floor in progress
mikeweky: Karori Library under construction.@heavy lifting in progress.
mikeweky: Work on the walls and columns continue of the new Karori Library. Concrete is poured for the first floor in progress
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library.
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library. The second storey is underway.
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library. The second storey is underway..
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library. The second storey is underway.
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library. The second storey is underway. External cladding is being fitted on the street side.
mikeweky: Work continues on the construction of the new Karori Library. The second storey is underway. External cladding is being fitted on the street side.
mikeweky: Karori Libary constuction well underway.
mikeweky: Karori Library construction completed in 2005
mikeweky: Karori Library in 2017