lucycarol: ONE OF MANY
lucycarol: maple leaf
lucycarol: nandina leaves
lucycarol: Hint of the immediate future.
lucycarol: Soon to be green no more.
lucycarol: Is it Poke or Polk????
lucycarol: Maple Leaf #3
lucycarol: Leaf Reflected
lucycarol: Autumn Leaves up Close and Personal
lucycarol: After the Rain Rotated to Vertical
lucycarol: After the Rain
lucycarol: AUTUMN COLOR
lucycarol: Golden Glory
lucycarol: Great Old Maple
lucycarol: GINGKO
lucycarol: GINGKO TOO
lucycarol: Nature's Gift of Gold
lucycarol: Backlite Beauty
lucycarol: Fantasy
lucycarol: Autumn Rain
lucycarol: Riot of Color
lucycarol: One More View
lucycarol: Hanging On!!!
lucycarol: Not the Last One
lucycarol: Brand New
lucycarol: Rainy Day Robin
lucycarol: Morning Glory Light