Smith, Greg: 3 Eyases this year, I could only spot 2 of them today "Eyas; a very young falcon or hawk, one that hasn't yet learned to fly"
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9682
Smith, Greg: grooming
Smith, Greg: "The standard leg band for Peregrines is a silver metal band issued by the federal Bird Banding Lab. The band is inscribed with a unique 9 digit code that allows birds to be identified during future resights or captures"
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9771
Smith, Greg: "A second bi-color band is fitted on the falcon’s opposite leg and includes a field-readable alpha-numeric code"
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9835
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9850
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9859-Edit
Smith, Greg: 2nd Eyas
Smith, Greg: 20240616-DSC_9881-Edit