Smith, Greg: Belted Kingfisher hovering
Smith, Greg: Trumpeter Swan and Turtles
Smith, Greg: Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Pileated Woodpecker
Smith, Greg: Snow Bunting
Smith, Greg: Mallard and Bald Eagle....there were a pair of Eagle and 2 pair of Mallard flying together, I didn't catch them in time to get a shot of the whole group
Smith, Greg: Caspian Tern
Smith, Greg: Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Red Tailed Hawk
Smith, Greg: glad to see that one of the yearlings stayed here for the winter
Smith, Greg: Mourning Dove
Smith, Greg: female Northern Harrier
Smith, Greg: female Northern Harrier
Smith, Greg: Great Egret from about 30 feet
Smith, Greg: black & frost
Smith, Greg: Red Tailed Hawk
Smith, Greg: frost & blue sky
Smith, Greg: Osprey
Smith, Greg: Ring Billed Gull
Smith, Greg: Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: immature Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Northern Flicker
Smith, Greg: immature Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: image005
Smith, Greg: immature Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Belted Kingfisher
Smith, Greg: American Kestrel launching
Smith, Greg: Bald Eagle
Smith, Greg: Bald eagle