Andy Gunton: (Not Quite) Strangeland.
Andy Gunton: Sovereign Light Cafe.
Andy Gunton: Sovereign Light Cafe.
Andy Gunton: De La Warr Framed.
Andy Gunton: De La Warr.
Andy Gunton: De La Warr Stage.
Andy Gunton: If We Stay Here Long Enough...
Andy Gunton: Hang On Lads....
Andy Gunton: .... I've Got A Great Idea.
Andy Gunton: You Can't Park That There!
Andy Gunton: Here's looking at ewe kid.
Andy Gunton: Camber Castle
Andy Gunton: Camber Castle
Andy Gunton: That Way
Andy Gunton: Royal Military Canal
Andy Gunton: Walking towards Hastings.
Andy Gunton: Entrance to Fairlight beach.
Andy Gunton: You Have Been Warned!
Andy Gunton: Fairlight Naturist Beach.
Andy Gunton: Fairlight Naturist Beach.
Andy Gunton: Fairlight Naturist Beach 2.
Andy Gunton: View towards Hastings.
Andy Gunton: Which Way?
Andy Gunton: View towards Fairlight.
Andy Gunton: Time for a sit down!
Andy Gunton: Train & wind turbines.
Andy Gunton: Which way?
Andy Gunton: Pill Box on Royal Military Canal.