01 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-Annunication to Anna- Anna and Joachim at the Golden Gate- Birth of the Virgin Mary- the infant Mary presented in the Temple
04 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-Christ handing the key to St Peter- Journey to Emmaus
06 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-David takes the lamb from the lion's jaw- Samuel anoints David
09 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-God sending out Gabriel- the Annuniciation- the Visitation- the Nativity
10 The Winchester Psalter-The BritHistoriated B(eatus) initial, with David writing, and David playing the viol -decorated initial D opening Psalm 26-decorated initial D opening Psalm 101
11 The WinchesterJacob wrestling with the angel and Jacob's dream- Joseph and Potiphar's wife, Joseph accused by Potiphar's wife- Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites, and honoured by Potiphar
12 The Winchester Psalter-Moses and the burning bush, and reviewing the tablets of the law- God with two kings representing the division of ecclesiastical and secular authority-
13 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-Noah commanded to build the ark-the Ark at sea-scrifice of Isaac
18 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-The Annunciation to the Shepherds- the Magi before Herod
20 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-The Expulsion from Paradise- Adam and Eve working- Cain and Abel sacrificing, Cain slaying Abel
21 The Winchester Psalter-The British Library-The Flight into Egypt- the Massacre of the Innocent