01- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library-Boniface of Lausanne dressed as a bishop
02- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library-the Agony in the Garden, with, in the border below, the Last Supper.
06- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library-Christ before Pilate, with, in the border below, Christ being flogged.
08- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- Christ, crowned with thorns, being mocked, with, in the border below, Christ carrying the cross and encountering Veronica.
10- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- Christ being nailed to the cross, with, in the border below, the division of Christ's garment.
12- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- the Crucifixion, with, in the border below, Joseph of Arimathea requesting Christ's body from Pilate
14- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- the Deposition of Christ, with, in the border below, a Pietà.
16- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- the Entombment of Christ, with, in the border below, the Virgin, John, and the three Marys leaving the sealed tomb
22- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library-March a gardener tipping his hat to a lady and, in the background, men chopping down trees, below, men playing with rattles
24a- The Golf Book 1540 by Simon Bening of Bruges-The British Library- a game with bat and ball