Ashley Basil:
Equisetum hyemale subsp. affine
Ashley Basil:
Fern hunting with the BPS
Ashley Basil:
Fern hunting with the BPS
Ashley Basil:
Fern hunting with the BPS
Ashley Basil:
Fern hunting with the BPS
Ashley Basil:
Fern hunting with the BPS
Ashley Basil:
Asplenium trichomanes
Ashley Basil:
Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens
Ashley Basil:
Asplenium viride
Ashley Basil:
Asplenium viride
Ashley Basil:
Dryopteris submontana
Ashley Basil:
Dryopteris submontana
Ashley Basil:
Dryopteris ?
Ashley Basil:
polypodium interjectum
Ashley Basil:
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Ashley Basil:
BPS wales 2014
Ashley Basil:
BPS wales 2014
Ashley Basil:
BPS wales 2014
Ashley Basil:
BPS wales 2014