petrus.agricola: Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, detail 12cs fl (near Vesuv) [1790–91] Liverpool, Walker AG -- wm
petrus.agricola: Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante 10d1 fl [1790–91] Liverpool, Walker AG -- wm
petrus.agricola: Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante 0cs fl (near Vesuv) [1790–91] Liverpool, Walker AG -- wm
petrus.agricola: Victoria Martín Barhié (de Campo) - Self-portrait 5ds [~1840] -
petrus.agricola: Catharina Ykens I - A garland surrounding a portrait of a lady [1660s]
petrus.agricola: Sofonisba Anguissola - Self Portrait [1558]
petrus.agricola: Sofonisba Anguissola - Self Portrait [1558]
petrus.agricola: Catharina Ykens II - Garland with a Landscape [1680-1700] -
petrus.agricola: Artemisia Gentileschi |- Mary Magdalene as Melancholy [1622-25] - Two versions in comparison
petrus.agricola: Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) - Maria Maddalena come Melanconia
petrus.agricola: Giovanna Garzoni - Plate of cherries with roses, pods and wood bee (xylocopa violacea)
petrus.agricola: Sonia Delaunay - Simultane Kleider 2b (Drei Frauen, Formen, Farben) [1925] - Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
petrus.agricola: Helene Funke - In der Loge 1cs [1904-1907] - Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
petrus.agricola: Giovanna Garzoni - piatto di ciliege con rose, baccello e ape legnaiola 1c fl (xylocopa violacea) [1642-51] - Uffizi; wm
petrus.agricola: Maddalena Corvina - Presumed portrait of Artemisia Gentileschi as Saint Catherine 1cs - wm
petrus.agricola: Marie Petiet - Repasseuses (Women ironing) 0ds [1882] - Caen MBA - wm
petrus.agricola: Lavinia Fontana+Judit con la cabeza de Holofernes 2c fl (1600)+Museo Davia Bargellini, Bologna
petrus.agricola: Marianne von Werefkin - Country Road 14b
petrus.agricola: Marie Bracquemond 1880 The three graces 3c fl - Christie's
petrus.agricola: Judith Leyster - Girl with a straw hat 4es [1630-40] - Arp MUseum, Sammlung Rau - pixel
petrus.agricola: Louise Moillon - Still-life with fruit [1637]
petrus.agricola: Gisela von Kerssenbrock - Codex Gisle - Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum -
petrus.agricola: Alice Bailly - Der Tee 6b [1913] - oceansbridge
petrus.agricola: Female painter Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper [1550]
petrus.agricola: Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper, detail central part 12bs [1550] - Florence, S Maria Novella - wm
petrus.agricola: Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper, detail left part 12bs [1550] - Florence, S Maria Novella - wm
petrus.agricola: Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper, detail right part 12bs [1550] - Florence, S Maria Novella - wm
petrus.agricola: Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper, detail center Jesus & Johannes
petrus.agricola: Plautilla Nelli - The Last Supper, detail left, perhaps Thomas & Peter [1568]