petrus.agricola: Christ treading the dragon and the lion - Carolingian Psalter
petrus.agricola: Christ trampling the beasts (Lion and dragon)
petrus.agricola: The Triumph of Fame, in the foreground the three Fates, trampled by Fame
petrus.agricola: Hermanubis or Abraxas or ? (a Roman limestone relief) [3rd century AD]
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the beasts
petrus.agricola: Reliquary from the Shrine of St. Oda
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the neck of the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the neck of the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the neck of the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Beardless Christ treading on the neck of the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ flanked by two archangels
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the neck of the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Center: Christ treading on the beasts
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the lion, dragon, basilisk & asp
petrus.agricola: Trieste basilica San GiustoApse mosaic: Christ between San Giusto & San Servolo
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the basilisk and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the basilisk and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on two beasts (otters)
petrus.agricola: Amiens - Christ treading on two beasts
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on two beasts
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on a lion and a dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the beasts [early 11th cent]
petrus.agricola: Bewcastle Cross - Christ treading on the beasts
petrus.agricola: Centre: Christ treading on the lion and the dragon - Carolingian ivory [c 810]
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the lion and the asp
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the lion and the dragon
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the beasts
petrus.agricola: Christ treading on the beasts - ivory book cover
petrus.agricola: Crucifixion with victory over Hades
petrus.agricola: Merovingien - Plaque avec une représentation populaire du Christ triomphant du mal - Christ treading on the snake