petrus.agricola: Day 5 Creation of Sun, Moon and stars, detail
petrus.agricola: Day 2 God divides light from dark
petrus.agricola: Day 1 The Spirit of God hovering over the waters
petrus.agricola: Day 1 The Spirit of God hovering over the waters
petrus.agricola: Central star cycle
petrus.agricola: The seven days of Creation and the story of Adam & Eve until expulsion from Eden
petrus.agricola: Day 5 God with his angels creates the plants
petrus.agricola: Day 5 God with his angels creates the plants
petrus.agricola: Day 4 God separates land from seas
petrus.agricola: Day 4 God separates land from seas
petrus.agricola: Day 3 God divides waters, detail
petrus.agricola: Day 3 God divides waters
petrus.agricola: Day 3 God divides waters
petrus.agricola: Day 2 God divides light from dark, detail
petrus.agricola: Day 2 God divides light from dark
petrus.agricola: Day 2 God divides light from dark, detail
petrus.agricola: Day 5 Creation of Sun, Moon and stars
petrus.agricola: Day 5 Creation of Sun, Moon and stars, detail
petrus.agricola: Day 7 God rests on the 7th day & blesses the angels
petrus.agricola: Day 6 God creates the man from dust
petrus.agricola: Day 6a God creates the land-animals
petrus.agricola: Day 5 God blesses the fishes & birds
petrus.agricola: Day 5 God creates the fishes & birds
petrus.agricola: Left: God takes a rib from Adam & creates Eve - Right: God touches Eve on the shoulder to animate her
petrus.agricola: Adam naming the animals
petrus.agricola: God introduces Adam in the Paradise, detail God
petrus.agricola: God introduces Adam in the Paradise, detail Adam
petrus.agricola: Detail: The four rivers of Paradise
petrus.agricola: God introduces Adam in the Paradise with its Four Rivers
petrus.agricola: God insouls Adam and brings him thus into being