petrus.agricola: Year (Annus regens temporum)
petrus.agricola: Head of Serapis within a zodiac
petrus.agricola: Serapis surrounded by 7 planets & 12 signs of the zodiac
petrus.agricola: Helios in his chariot
petrus.agricola: Helios in his chariot
petrus.agricola: Radiate head of Helios facing
petrus.agricola: Radiate head of Helios in profile; in the field are seven stars, one between each pair of rays; in front is a crescent.
petrus.agricola: Radiate head of Helios in profile; in the field are seven stars; in front is a crescent.
petrus.agricola: Helios driving a quadriga -
petrus.agricola: Helios - London BM
petrus.agricola: In the center Aion, surrounded by Helios & Selene & the four Seasons
petrus.agricola: Solar Apollo with the nimbus of Christ & radiant halo of Helios
petrus.agricola: Sol & Luna in the center of a zodiac circle
petrus.agricola: Zodiacus Circulus - Zodiac circle - Sol & Luna
petrus.agricola: Helios (Sol) in the center of a zodiac circle
petrus.agricola: Helios (Sol) in the center of a zodiac circle
petrus.agricola: Helios & Selene & 12 labours of the months
petrus.agricola: Christ in form of Helios in the center of a zodiac circle
petrus.agricola: Aion in an oval zodiac cicle, drawing
petrus.agricola: Aion, Mithraic deity of eternal time (Leontocephaline)
petrus.agricola: Aion, Mithraic deity of eternal time (Leontocephaline)
petrus.agricola: Aion, Mithraic Deity of eternal time (Leontocephaline) 1ess fl - Rome, Vatican Library - wm, photo by Vassil
petrus.agricola: Aion, with marble relief
petrus.agricola: Aion, Lion-headed god with key and globe; white marble relief - Rome, Villa Albani -
petrus.agricola: Aion, Lion-headed deity of eternal time
petrus.agricola: Aion, Uffizi (drawing) -
petrus.agricola: Aion - Chronos - Zervas [2nd half of 2nd cent AD] - Merida NM of Roman Art
petrus.agricola: Aion - Ostia - Mithraeum of Ostia (drawing)
petrus.agricola: Aion - Leontocephaline God of eternal time (found in the mithraeum in Ostia) now in the Vatican Libra
petrus.agricola: Aion - Mithra - Autel votif de Mithra