petrus.agricola: Creation day one - God separates Night and Day - God creates the Angels
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Nativity
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Flight into Egypt
petrus.agricola: Annunciation to the shepherds - Slaughter of the innocents
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Slaughter of the innocents
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Presentation & wedding of Cana
petrus.agricola: Journey to Bethlehem & The angel appears to Joseph in a dream
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Journey to Bethlehem
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - The angel appeared to Joseph in a dream
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Nativity & Flight into Egypt
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivories - Nativity & Flight into Egypt
petrus.agricola: Newly appearing book announced for June 2016
petrus.agricola: Joseph doubting about Mary's faithfulness & dreaming & Adoration of the three Magi
petrus.agricola: Joseph doubting about Mary's faithfulness & The angel appears to Joseph for the first time
petrus.agricola: Adoration of the three Magi
petrus.agricola: Adoration of the three Magi, detail
petrus.agricola: Visitation & The three Magi (wise men) before king Herod
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivory - Visitation
petrus.agricola: Salerno ivory - The three Magi before king Herod
petrus.agricola: God commands Abraham to leave Haran - Sarah and Lot in Abraham's house
petrus.agricola: God and Abraham at Sichem - Abraham and Sarah before Pharaoh
petrus.agricola: God and Abraham at an Altar
petrus.agricola: God prevents the sacrifice of Isaac - God blesses Abraham
petrus.agricola: Jacob's dream - Moses at the burning bush
petrus.agricola: Moses: Miracle of the serpent - Moses: Miracle of the withered hand
petrus.agricola: Moses receiving the Law
petrus.agricola: Nakedness of drunken Noah - The tower of Babel
petrus.agricola: God and Noah establish the Covenant - Making of wine
petrus.agricola: God orders Noah to leave the Ark - Sacrifice of Noah,
petrus.agricola: God closes the door of the Ark - The dove returns to the Ark,