petrus.agricola: Daniel in the lion's den
petrus.agricola: Daniel gets a message in his dream
petrus.agricola: Daniel and the three angels
petrus.agricola: Theophanie & The four great beasts
petrus.agricola: Daniel in the lion's den
petrus.agricola: Daniel in the lion's den, detail the angel moves the prophet Habacuc with his basket to the den
petrus.agricola: Nebuchadnezzars first dream
petrus.agricola: Nebuchadnezzars first dream
petrus.agricola: Daniel gets a message
petrus.agricola: Daniel in the lion's den, detail the sleepless king Nebuchadnezzar
petrus.agricola: The three hebrew youths in the fiery furnace
petrus.agricola: The three youths in the fiery furnace - The worship of the golden idol
petrus.agricola: Belshazzars feast, detail
petrus.agricola: Daniels vision
petrus.agricola: Belshazzars feast, detail the hand writing on the wall
petrus.agricola: Daniels vision of a he-goat and a ram fighting, detail
petrus.agricola: Daniels vision of a he-goat and a ram fighting, detail
petrus.agricola: The worship of the golden idol
petrus.agricola: Daniel dreams and gets a message
petrus.agricola: The four great beasts
petrus.agricola: Belshazzars feast
petrus.agricola: Theophanie
petrus.agricola: Daniels vision of a he-goat and a ram fighting
petrus.agricola: Nebuchadnezzar judex
petrus.agricola: The siège of Jerusalem
petrus.agricola: Nebuchadnezzars first dream
petrus.agricola: The siège of Jerusalem - Nebuchadnezzar judex
petrus.agricola: The siège of Jerusalem, detail Jeremiah lamenting
petrus.agricola: The siège of Jerusalem
petrus.agricola: First page of the commentary on Daniel