petrus.agricola: Emperor Maximilian I.
petrus.agricola: Emperor Maximilian I.
petrus.agricola: The four cardinal virtues: Temperance
petrus.agricola: The four cardinal virtues: Prudence
petrus.agricola: The four cardinal virtues: Fortitude
petrus.agricola: The four cardinal virtues: Justice
petrus.agricola: Innsbruck, Hofkirche - Cenotaph of Maximilian I
petrus.agricola: Mid: Godfrey of (Gottfried von) Bouillon
petrus.agricola: Godfrey of Bouillon, elbow of the armour
petrus.agricola: Innsbruck, Hofkirche - Godfrey of (Gottfried von) Bouillon, detail
petrus.agricola: Godfrey of Bouillon
petrus.agricola: Gottfried von Bouillon
petrus.agricola: Hl. Hieronymus mit Harpyien (1525)
petrus.agricola: The harpies of St. Jerome (Hieronymus)
petrus.agricola: Perseus befreit Andromeda