Lella Leone Photo:
segreti (secret)
Lella Leone Photo:
valeria looks far, girl portrait
Lella Leone Photo:
my blue dream
Lella Leone Photo:
Lella Leone Photo:
l'isola che non c'è..
Lella Leone Photo:
EXPLORE: let me alone!!!
Lella Leone Photo:
sunday morning light - natural comunication between tree - (I hate explore!!!)
Lella Leone Photo:
♥ losing the head - to reason with the heart ♥ (perdere la testa-ragionare col cuore)
Lella Leone Photo:
vineyard (vigneto)
Lella Leone Photo:
f R a G i L e - LEAF SPIRIT
Lella Leone Photo:
to capture the light
Lella Leone Photo:
Lella Leone Photo:
alone (drop) (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo:
my magic Canon 50mm f/1.4 ultrasonic
Lella Leone Photo:
Lella Leone Photo:
kiss (boy & girl portrait)
Lella Leone Photo:
♥ fantasy love ♥
Lella Leone Photo:
guardare lontano (far) (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo:
uomo di mare
Lella Leone Photo:
in bilico (water game), finger that plays with drop
Lella Leone Photo:
scorcio di tramonto,sunset in sardinia
Lella Leone Photo:
dancer poppy
Lella Leone Photo:
old portrait
Lella Leone Photo:
happy friend
Lella Leone Photo:
Lella Leone Photo:
family portrait
Lella Leone Photo:
dancer cat
Lella Leone Photo:
woman in red
Lella Leone Photo:
maternità (matherhood)
Lella Leone Photo:
Berlin in moto