Lella Leone Photo: madreperla2
Lella Leone Photo: yellow drop on the couch
Lella Leone Photo: drops on cd
Lella Leone Photo: alien in drop
Lella Leone Photo: flower like butterfly
Lella Leone Photo: sun in the flower (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: polline, pollen (super macro manual)
Lella Leone Photo: polline, pollen on the flower (super macro manual)
Lella Leone Photo: macro flower (super macro manual)
Lella Leone Photo: scintillio in macro, sparkling (drop)
Lella Leone Photo: semi, seeds (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: semi viola, violet seeds (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: piccoli semi, small seeds (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: mandorlo, flower of the almond tree (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: inside the flower of the almond tree (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: luccichio, twinkling (drop) (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: alone (drop) (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: infernal drop (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: lievitazione (drop) (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: two big drops (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: particolare, particular of a water drop (super macro)
Lella Leone Photo: silver drop (reverse lens photos) (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: silver drop 2 (reverse lens photos) (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: brillant drop (reverse lens photos) (macro)
Lella Leone Photo: brillant drop 2 (reverse lens photos)
Lella Leone Photo: 1-2-3 drops (macro)