werner boehm *: Saint Basil's Cathedral
werner boehm *: Peterhof palace
werner boehm *: Catherine Palace
werner boehm *: Catherine Palace park
werner boehm *: fast handheld docu shot
werner boehm *: Underground art gallery©
werner boehm *: treasure chest
werner boehm *: Catherines Palace©
werner boehm *: Twenty-pillar hall
werner boehm *: oncoming traffic
werner boehm *: White Nights over Lake Ladoga
werner boehm *: Catherines Palace
werner boehm *: Czarinas splendid apartments
werner boehm *: Московский Кремль
werner boehm *: Московский Кремль
werner boehm *: Московский Кремль
werner boehm *: Cathedral of the Annunciation
werner boehm *: Московский Кремль
werner boehm *: Kreml Cathedrals
werner boehm *: Московский Кремль
werner boehm *: So one there was never, never get a second and there will never be one©
werner boehm *: So one there was never, never get a second and there will never be one
werner boehm *: Wooden Art
werner boehm *: russian garden
werner boehm *: Russian Unesco world heritage
werner boehm *: Snow White
werner boehm *: Wooden Art
werner boehm *: not Holland, it's Russia©
werner boehm *: along the Russian biggest river
werner boehm *: wooden silhouette