Tony / Guy@Fawkes: the end of a hard days grazing
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: a womans work..........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: there she is
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Come on now girls, thinking caps on..............
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Making all the vales rejoice..........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: The sheep with their little lambs,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Birthday Girl Jan May 29th
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: black background
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Suffolk sheep for Anna
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: sundown halo
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Enjoying the Spring sunshine at last.....
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: that isn't all covered in sheep,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Spring is sprung .......
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Trust........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Please close the gate.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Don't you just love the sun on your face.....
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: The murmuring bleatings of unfolding sheep,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: What's a girl got to do to get a drink around here ?
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: They mid the sheep unstartld steal,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: They mid the sheep unstartld steal,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: We all need a little shelter sometimes,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Leader of the flock...........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: The sheep when hunger presses sore,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: and then a little lamb bolts up behind,
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Is Spring sprung yet ?
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: The grass is always greener...........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: It's a new dawn, it's a new day...........
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Dogs aren't the only ones who can y'know.........