Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Jan................birthday girl !! May 29th. Oak Apple Day
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: My friend Jan with the smile !!
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Geranium for Debbie.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Wild flowers for Jan & Trev.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Claire, for her help and support.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Orchid detail
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: for Trev........ let's keep the memories.............
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Get well soon YankGal
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: 'Happy Christmas Yank Gal'
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Mistress Deb................dedicated to you, courtesy of Harry
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Dedicated to Judith426
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Oh all right, just for you Bev.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Nellie Moser
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Ron....... this one's for you.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: dedicated to Jolika.................Viola riviniana
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Spring Collection......two....................... dedicated to Ruth Flickr.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: April 1st 2009. Good luck Arlene
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Primula (I think, for Penny and Julie )
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Birthday Girl Jan !!
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Have a good one John !!
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Dahlia Floorinoor 1
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Marguerite
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Birthday Girl Jan May 29th
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: our sunday with those poppies
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: black background
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: I wish the sky would rain down roses.
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: part of the mysterious and ancient Rollright Stones
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: scarlet pimpernel
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: What a day for a daydream............4 years of LoL
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: Blissfully giving in to our desire.