johnaturephoto: Group of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) resting at low tide
johnaturephoto: Wheel Bug nymph (Arilus cristatus)
johnaturephoto: Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) resting on the beach
johnaturephoto: Great Blue Heron displaying to rival
johnaturephoto: Scarlet and green Leafhopper
johnaturephoto: Large flock of Great Egrets (Ardea alba) gathered at twilight
johnaturephoto: Wood Stork
johnaturephoto: Male grackle sings to a flock of grackles and a single Great Blue Heron
johnaturephoto: Cattle Egret on take-off along North New River Canal
johnaturephoto: Pair of Great Egrets (Ardea alba) at twilight
johnaturephoto: Asian ladybug (Harmonia axyridis) preparing for take-off.
johnaturephoto: Reddish Egret chasing fish
johnaturephoto: Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Red Anthurium
johnaturephoto: Close-up of Great Egret
johnaturephoto: Osprey soaring over Boca Grande
johnaturephoto: Small Carpenter Bee (Ceratina species) on Thistle.
johnaturephoto: White Ibis fighting
johnaturephoto: White-tailed deer buck in velvet feeding at the forest edge
johnaturephoto: Juvenile Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) on Orchid Island
johnaturephoto: Hobomok Skipper (Poanes hobomok) on white cosmo, Ladew Gardens
johnaturephoto: European Earwig on Poinsettia
johnaturephoto: Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) on Loch Raven Reservoir at twilight
johnaturephoto: Eastern Gray Squirrel feeding on Red Maple seeds in autumn
johnaturephoto: Flying with a Flock of Cattle Egrets
johnaturephoto: Long-legged Fly on leaf, Limestone Valley
johnaturephoto: Herd of White-tailed Deer out at twilight
johnaturephoto: Familiar Bluet sunning along the Conewago Creek
johnaturephoto: Brown Anole sunning on tree trunk
johnaturephoto: Flotilla of water striders around mossy rock
johnaturephoto: Long-necked Seed Bug on fern