trimethylxanthine2: street legal
trimethylxanthine2: cyan and magenta
trimethylxanthine2: snowflakes for breakfast
trimethylxanthine2: we don't do burgers
trimethylxanthine2: the fire inside
trimethylxanthine2: fridgid air
trimethylxanthine2: light precipitation
trimethylxanthine2: anjue morn
trimethylxanthine2: tai chi masters
trimethylxanthine2: anjue nugget
trimethylxanthine2: kangding, forgotten bits
trimethylxanthine2: hiberNation
trimethylxanthine2: the lottery
trimethylxanthine2: hard for the money
trimethylxanthine2: quiet qristmas
trimethylxanthine2: non-standard issue
trimethylxanthine2: the rocks and a hard place
trimethylxanthine2: kangding again