trimethylxanthine2: a love supreme
trimethylxanthine2: a faustian bargain
trimethylxanthine2: the punch line
trimethylxanthine2: space, the final frontier
trimethylxanthine2: move over rover, and let jimi take over ...
trimethylxanthine2: a daisy afternoon
trimethylxanthine2: a flat perspective
trimethylxanthine2: incense intense
trimethylxanthine2: a girl in progress
trimethylxanthine2: ... and 1Tb is bettr than unlimited?
trimethylxanthine2: the world optical co.
trimethylxanthine2: whitewash 2
trimethylxanthine2: meanwhile, in georgetown today ...
trimethylxanthine2: winter storms over there ...
trimethylxanthine2: search party
trimethylxanthine2: get your motor runnin,
trimethylxanthine2: take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning
trimethylxanthine2: distorting reality
trimethylxanthine2: the soundtrack
trimethylxanthine2: local local
trimethylxanthine2: the real me ...