Senior Class of 1968: Brittany and Richard
Senior Class of 1968: Marcia, Amelia, Darcy, Audri, Corey, Lulu, and Katherine
Senior Class of 1968: Corey, Storm, Audri, Darcy, Lulu and Amelia
Senior Class of 1968: Audri, Corey and Darcy
Senior Class of 1968: Audri, Corey and Darcy
Senior Class of 1968: Corey and Darcy
Senior Class of 1968: Katherine, Tanner and Marcia
Senior Class of 1968: Amelia and Lulu
Senior Class of 1968: James (the Thinker)
Senior Class of 1968: Faith and Storm
Senior Class of 1968: Christal Dessommes
Senior Class of 1968: Mallorie Rishel
Senior Class of 1968: Scott, Trent, Elsie, Freddie, Mallorie and Dot
Senior Class of 1968: Stick out your tongue . . . now say ahhhh . . .
Senior Class of 1968: Conner Gigglin'
Senior Class of 1968: Conner HDR-ish
Senior Class of 1968: Ali and Johnathon
Senior Class of 1968: Carol Giuffria and Irene Lacy
Senior Class of 1968: Ruby Rogers, Carol Giuffria and Irene Lacy
Senior Class of 1968: Shelby dances to Jailhouse Rock
Senior Class of 1968: Richard and Conner
Senior Class of 1968: Ami, Angel, Cenedra and Alice
Senior Class of 1968: Conner and Rick
Senior Class of 1968: Brittany, Darcy and Lucy
Senior Class of 1968: Jimmy and Richard
Senior Class of 1968: Scott, Carol, Irene and Bill
Senior Class of 1968: Jimmy and Lucy
Senior Class of 1968: Dot, Trent and Elsie
Senior Class of 1968: Sinclair, Stacey, Brent and Rick