Senior Class of 1968: Skating Rink at Central Park
Senior Class of 1968: Britt and me in the Park
Senior Class of 1968: Synchronized Skating
Senior Class of 1968: Naked Cowboy
Senior Class of 1968: The Osbournes
Senior Class of 1968: Me & Jon Luc Picard
Senior Class of 1968: Startin' out
Senior Class of 1968: Almost Naked Cowboy in Times Square
Senior Class of 1968: Monday, March 30, 2009
Senior Class of 1968: The ferry we were supposed to be on floating by.
Senior Class of 1968: Britt, Statue of Liberty and Lauryn
Senior Class of 1968: View from the Staten Island Ferry
Senior Class of 1968: Alyssa & Shakespeare in the Park
Senior Class of 1968: Statue of Liberty from the plane
Senior Class of 1968: Scaredy cat!
Senior Class of 1968: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses . . .
Senior Class of 1968: Me and the Wall Street Bull
Senior Class of 1968: Some mighty big buildings in NYC
Senior Class of 1968: Silver and shadows at the Metropolitan Museum
Senior Class of 1968: Britt and the Four Horsemen
Senior Class of 1968: One of the four horsemen
Senior Class of 1968: Building at Ellis Island
Senior Class of 1968: Statue of Liberty from the Ferry
Senior Class of 1968: Us at Mt Everest
Senior Class of 1968: Me and the boys in NY Disney
Senior Class of 1968: Screamin' like girls
Senior Class of 1968: Screamin' like little girls
Senior Class of 1968: Jeremy climbing in
Senior Class of 1968: 1-800-Be-Petty