Senior Class of 1968: Cherie and Darlene
Senior Class of 1968: Cabbot, Liza, Mike, David, Brenda, Cherie, Dave, Jeanette, Marcelle, Phil, Lil Phil, Bernie
Senior Class of 1968: Bernie and friends
Senior Class of 1968: Terry, Mike, Dave, Cherie, Brenda, Bobby
Senior Class of 1968: David and Debra Wade
Senior Class of 1968: David, Debra, Marcelle, Phil, and Phil's son
Senior Class of 1968: The Shotts Brothers -Jim and Doc
Senior Class of 1968: Marcelle, Phil, Phil's son
Senior Class of 1968: Friday night dinner at the Schooner
Senior Class of 1968: Friday night at the Schooner
Senior Class of 1968: Brenda Lott Belote, Jeannette J., Nadean, Alice J., Edie, Mike W.
Senior Class of 1968: Brenda, Jeannette J., Linda and Alice J.
Senior Class of 1968: A gaggle of classmates
Senior Class of 1968: Edie, Jeannette, Boo, Robert, Norma Lee
Senior Class of 1968: Mike, Nadean, Alice, Linda, Edie
Senior Class of 1968: Mike, Nadean, Alice, Linda, Edie
Senior Class of 1968: Jim, Doc, Cindy, Terry, David, Debra, Marcelle, Bernie, Jeanette, Larry, Gail, Phil's son, Phil
Senior Class of 1968: Connie, Darlene, Alice, and the other side of the table - Boo, Robert, Norma Lee, Richard, Jim, Doc
Senior Class of 1968: Dave, Ronnie huggin' Brenda, Jeannette J, Boo, Robert, Norma Lee, Richard, Jim, Doc, Cindy, Terry, David, Debra, Marcelle, and that handsome Larosa head of hair
Senior Class of 1968: Brenda doing the wave
Senior Class of 1968: Debra, Marcelle, Jeanette, Bernie, Larry
Senior Class of 1968: Larry, Gail, Phil's son and Phil
Senior Class of 1968: Pat, Cabbot, Liza, Mike M., Brenda
Senior Class of 1968: Marcelle, Debra, David W.
Senior Class of 1968: Doc, Cindy, Terry
Senior Class of 1968: Norma Lee, Richard, Jim, Doc, Cindy, Terry, etc.
Senior Class of 1968: Bobby, Mike W., Ronnie, Nadean, Alice
Senior Class of 1968: Robert, Norma Lee, Me, Richard