Hoksilato Witko: San Rafael Valley
Hoksilato Witko: High up in the Santa Ritas
Hoksilato Witko: The old motel
Hoksilato Witko: Road to the Dragoons
Hoksilato Witko: White Dunes
Hoksilato Witko: A train in the West
Hoksilato Witko: Sunset Train
Hoksilato Witko: Animas Sunset
Hoksilato Witko: Barbwires
Hoksilato Witko: Lordsburg at night
Hoksilato Witko: Chiricahua Peaks
Hoksilato Witko: Late afternoon on the Animas
Hoksilato Witko: Dusk near Rodeo
Hoksilato Witko: Patagonia Crossroads
Hoksilato Witko: Dust devil approaching
Hoksilato Witko: Table Top
Hoksilato Witko: Sonoran Desert