wmpe2000: outside of Bakersfield California
wmpe2000: dinner in Astoria at Fort George Brewery
wmpe2000: Grant's Pass sunrise enchanced by wildfire smoke
wmpe2000: Columbia River and Astoria-Megler truss bridge
wmpe2000: sea stacks
wmpe2000: holes bored into the sandstone by the rocking motion of piddock clams
wmpe2000: driftwood bridge details
wmpe2000: driftwood bridge entering Kalaloch Beach
wmpe2000: temperate rainforest understory - Polystichum munitum - sword fern
wmpe2000: the fate of old growth - memorial to a giant
wmpe2000: roadside Chamaenerion angustifolium - fireweed in Forks, Washington
wmpe2000: jetty covered with driftwood logs at First Beach in La Push, Washington - looking at the James Islands
wmpe2000: Quileute Nation, La Push, First Beach, James Islands - La Push began the process of moving the town away from the coast in 2017 due to climate change and rising sea levels
wmpe2000: Olympic chipmunk (Tamias amoenus caurinus) vocalizations - endemic to the Olympic Penisula
wmpe2000: Olympic chipmunk (Tamias amoenus caurinus) endemic to the Olympic Penisula, Washington state
wmpe2000: Snowshoe hare - Lepus americanus eating grass
wmpe2000: Olympic National Park snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) do not molt to white over the winter
wmpe2000: Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center's botanical specimen cards
wmpe2000: blacktail deer crossing the path in Olympic National Park
wmpe2000: black tail deer bedding down under the ski patrol building in Olympic National Park
wmpe2000: blacktail deer with velvet covered antlers
wmpe2000: Hurricane Ridge day lodge and the Olympic mountains
wmpe2000: Olympic National Park, Hurricane Ridge
wmpe2000: Space Needle seen from Interstate 5