wmpe2000: Gambel's quail - Callipepla gambelii
wmpe2000: great blue heron carrying a stick - Colorado River
wmpe2000: Stellar jay
wmpe2000: song sparrow
wmpe2000: tree swallows
wmpe2000: tree swallows over marsh
wmpe2000: I put water and food out for it hoping to somehow catch it as it was limping but I had no luck - it was very shy
wmpe2000: grateful for the feather it left
wmpe2000: Short-billed gull, Mew gull
wmpe2000: Corvus corax - to the Alaskan Indigenous Peoples - the trickster
wmpe2000: southeast Alaska wader - Arenaria melanocephala
wmpe2000: black turnstone
wmpe2000: black turnstones on the western side of tidal island
wmpe2000: charadriiformes
wmpe2000: Pelagic cormorants and gulls
wmpe2000: Pelagic cormorants
wmpe2000: belted kingfisher
wmpe2000: Megaceryle alcyon - belted kingfisher
wmpe2000: Belted kingfisher with fingerling catch
wmpe2000: Gavia immer - common loon
wmpe2000: Marbled murrelets
wmpe2000: Common loon - Gavia immer