wmpe2000: "Stay close to anything that makes you glad that you’re alive.“ —Hafiz
wmpe2000: When great trees fall, /rocks on distant hills shudder, /lions hunker down /in tall grasses, /and even elephants lumber after safety...."Maya Angelou
wmpe2000: advancing darkly
wmpe2000: The universe has no fixed agenda
wmpe2000: "When great trees fall in forests, / small things recoil into silence, / their senses eroded beyond fear /...." Maya Angelou
wmpe2000: searching for you in this unbearable loneliness
wmpe2000: "The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye...until we meet again" — Jimi Hendrix
wmpe2000: Great souls die and/ our reality, bound to/ them, takes leave of us./ Our souls,/ dependent upon their/ nurture,/ now shrink, wizened./ Our minds, formed/ and informed by their/ radiance,/ fall away. M.Angelou