wmpe2000: Pinus rigida growing along ridgeline
wmpe2000: view south - twin lakes in salisbury
wmpe2000: Appalachian thru backpackers met on Bear Mountain
wmpe2000: tallest peak in the state in the northwest corner
wmpe2000: differential weathering on everett schist
wmpe2000: interesting oak tree trunk
wmpe2000: Lycopodium hickeyi - Club-moss
wmpe2000: Violet-wood sorrel
wmpe2000: there are many pools carved into the soft marble rock by Sage's Ravine Brook found along this branch of the Appalachian Trail
wmpe2000: plank bridge across sage's ravine brook
wmpe2000: Rubus frondosus
wmpe2000: iron rich hematite seen on everett schist boulder
wmpe2000: the Kalmia latifolia at different stages of the blooming cycle as the elevation increases
wmpe2000: hiking up to CT's highest peak
wmpe2000: schist plateau on the way up Bear Mountain
wmpe2000: Kalmia latifolia
wmpe2000: Kalmia latifolia
wmpe2000: trail map
wmpe2000: trail head - bear mountain in the taconic range
wmpe2000: sage's ravine brook