wmpe2000: cluster storm with downdraft rains to the right
wmpe2000: Chorizanthe brevicornu
wmpe2000: Mammillaria grahamii
wmpe2000: Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa var. thornberi in situ
wmpe2000: Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa var. thornberi with Roosevelt Lake
wmpe2000: Opuntia engelmannii
wmpe2000: a squirrel was living under this Opuntia engelmannii
wmpe2000: Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium
wmpe2000: cylindropuntia and sky
wmpe2000: cumulonimbus with anvil cloud forming in the west
wmpe2000: cylindropuntia with sierra ancha mountains in the distance
wmpe2000: Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa var. thornberi
wmpe2000: buckhorn cholla
wmpe2000: lightening and thunder overhead then snowy mix precipitation, in May
wmpe2000: accumulation
wmpe2000: the skys opened up
wmpe2000: turn around point due to lightening storms and rapid decrease in temperature
wmpe2000: Glandularia gooddingii
wmpe2000: Cirsium neomexicanum
wmpe2000: Evolvulus nuttallianus
wmpe2000: shelf cloud seen at the trailhead back at the car - severe weather impending
wmpe2000: lake roosevelt
wmpe2000: virga
wmpe2000: thunder rumbling
wmpe2000: view and approaching thunderstorm that had us quickly hiking down the mountain
wmpe2000: thimbleberry seen on Brown's trail in the Mazatzal Mountains
wmpe2000: quartzite with mica
wmpe2000: brown's peak consists of a large mass of quartzite at 7,657 feet elevation
wmpe2000: beautiful red bark of the manzanita
wmpe2000: white Lupinus sparsiflorus