wmpe2000: walking along trail
wmpe2000: bursage
wmpe2000: Bromus rubens
wmpe2000: Cryptantha
wmpe2000: trail view at Bartlett Lake with wildflowers blooming
wmpe2000: snow covered mount ord
wmpe2000: octillo blooming
wmpe2000: Fouquieria splendens at Bartlett Lake
wmpe2000: Lupinus sparsiflorus seed pods
wmpe2000: phacelia
wmpe2000: Coulter's lupine
wmpe2000: lupine
wmpe2000: Emmenanthe penduliflora - Whisperingbells
wmpe2000: saguaro arm
wmpe2000: Castilleja exserta
wmpe2000: Exserted Indian paintbrush
wmpe2000: Platystemon californicus
wmpe2000: creamcups
wmpe2000: Platystemon californicus
wmpe2000: Eriogonum - ancient indigenous peoples food source
wmpe2000: chia
wmpe2000: fiddleneck
wmpe2000: Trixis californica
wmpe2000: desert, lake created by the Horseshoe Dam on the Verde River, lake near 100% capacity
wmpe2000: mohave desert stars
wmpe2000: Monoptilon bellioides are tiny little daisy like flowers - a young brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) shrub