wmpe2000: great laurel or rosebay rhododendron
wmpe2000: Rhododendron maximum
wmpe2000: the Henry David Thoreau bridge spans 134 feet across the Shepaug river
wmpe2000: For the first time it occurred to me this afternoon what a piece of wonder a river is – A huge volume of matter ceaselessly rolling through the fields and meadows of this substantial earth making haste from the high places, by stable dwellings of men and
wmpe2000: red baneberry
wmpe2000: massive exposed quartz vein
wmpe2000: quartz mined for paint and abrasives
wmpe2000: exposed vein of quartz
wmpe2000: perhaps remnants of the loading dock used for the quartz mine
wmpe2000: cinnamon fern circle
wmpe2000: trail narrows near the quartz mine
wmpe2000: nearing the old quartz mine - trail covered in crushed quartz rock
wmpe2000: I am glad to see cones forming on the Eastern hemlock
wmpe2000: forest floor flower
wmpe2000: trail
wmpe2000: interesting tree hollow in perhaps a shagbark hickory
wmpe2000: nursery web spider nest in hay-scented fern
wmpe2000: winterberry
wmpe2000: Rosa blanda
wmpe2000: Rudbeckia hirta
wmpe2000: the rare Jesup's milk-vetch growing along the river
wmpe2000: river scene
wmpe2000: colorful river's edge with mullein in the foreground