wmpe2000: teasel seed head
wmpe2000: tree swallow
wmpe2000: “The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.” Archibald MacLeish
wmpe2000: brook
wmpe2000: acer budding
wmpe2000: thicket of speckled alder and seed trio
wmpe2000: lenticles on the alder bark
wmpe2000: stand of acers with lichen covered bark
wmpe2000: mom through the mountain laurel
wmpe2000: standing on the edge of the ancient continental shelf margin of proto-north america
wmpe2000: looking down on bee brook
wmpe2000: lake waramaug
wmpe2000: garter snake along the trail
wmpe2000: yellow bellied woodpecker
wmpe2000: skunk cabbage with spent spathe
wmpe2000: painted lady butterfly
wmpe2000: tree swallows - breeding pair
wmpe2000: nuthatch