wmpe2000: garden
wmpe2000: first nasturtium
wmpe2000: forgotten radishes in my garden
wmpe2000: "We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." Herman Melville
wmpe2000: I love how cauliflower is wrapped like a baby in its large leaves
wmpe2000: garden view
wmpe2000: my 5 foot tall dill right before I pulled it all out due to a massive aphid infestation
wmpe2000: rosa banksiae
wmpe2000: i'toi onion flower
wmpe2000: i'itoi
wmpe2000: marjoram flowers
wmpe2000: pollinated pumpkin flower
wmpe2000: basil
wmpe2000: planters I planted with mom last summer
wmpe2000: self-seeded early zinnia bloom for the low desert garden
wmpe2000: monarch caterpillars
wmpe2000: herbs from summer winds
wmpe2000: radishes & sprouts