wmpe2000: first nasturtium
wmpe2000: san felipe dogweed
wmpe2000: "We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." Herman Melville
wmpe2000: trailing four o'clocks
wmpe2000: male flower on a jojoba shrub
wmpe2000: Gordon's Bladderpod
wmpe2000: desert hyacinth
wmpe2000: creosote bush in flower
wmpe2000: desert bladderpod
wmpe2000: snake lily
wmpe2000: phlox family
wmpe2000: coulter's lupine and the understated desert bursage flower
wmpe2000: scorpionweed
wmpe2000: four petaled beauty
wmpe2000: lupine
wmpe2000: a nice guide for installing a natural looking dry creek bed in your landscape
wmpe2000: a green desert and poppies abound on either side of the mountain rain runoff channel
wmpe2000: lupine star
wmpe2000: orange and yellow delight
wmpe2000: poppies and blasted granite fragments
wmpe2000: Gilia flavocincta
wmpe2000: angelita daisies in the frontyard
wmpe2000: roadside aloe and brittlebush flowers
wmpe2000: desert globe mallow on a bright spring day
wmpe2000: stacked welded tuff above a slope of blooming brittlebush
wmpe2000: Encelia farinosa
wmpe2000: snake lily and san felipe dogweed
wmpe2000: desert phlox