wmpe2000: red cardinal in the landscape
wmpe2000: "The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos."
wmpe2000: cormorants at the well stocked manmade lake in the park
wmpe2000: eastern phoebe
wmpe2000: turkey vulture
wmpe2000: eastern phoebe in an eastern hemlock
wmpe2000: kettle of vultures over pinnacle
wmpe2000: the turkey vultures soared past
wmpe2000: black capped chickadee in eastern hemlock
wmpe2000: tree swallow
wmpe2000: nuthatch
wmpe2000: yellow bellied woodpecker
wmpe2000: tree swallows - breeding pair
wmpe2000: neighborhood quail family
wmpe2000: cactus wren peaking out of her nest in a saguaro cactus
wmpe2000: lesser goldfinch eating Encelia farinosa seeds
wmpe2000: flamingoes
wmpe2000: dark eyed junco
wmpe2000: possibly a finch nest
wmpe2000: hummingbird in the self-seeded brazilian pepper shrub