wmpe2000: soy cappuccino at peet's coffee
wmpe2000: ladies playing gin at the coffee shop
wmpe2000: fallen soldiers
wmpe2000: love the color of the flat top buckwheat seedheads
wmpe2000: bladderpod blooms year round
wmpe2000: searchlight bunker from WWII
wmpe2000: agaves
wmpe2000: current light station because the old lighthouse is too high and is often above the fog line
wmpe2000: gray whale bones
wmpe2000: Torrey Pine
wmpe2000: Pinus torreyana - Torrey pine
wmpe2000: sea dahlia
wmpe2000: lighthouse interpretative garden
wmpe2000: lens and lamp of original lighthouse light
wmpe2000: the watershed on the slope outside of the lighthouse with a cistern to store rain water
wmpe2000: spiral staircase
wmpe2000: Monterey Cypress
wmpe2000: Shaw's agave
wmpe2000: Torrey pine - endemic to San Diego and
wmpe2000: sandstone outcropping
wmpe2000: divers
wmpe2000: Point Loma Lighthouse
wmpe2000: statue of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, the first explorer to sail into the San Diego harbor
wmpe2000: coronado island bridge and smog
wmpe2000: downtown San Diego under a layer of smog and a marine layer capped by an inversion
wmpe2000: coast live oak
wmpe2000: fort rosecrans national cemetary
wmpe2000: California holly