makrosucht: 63pics_3steps_nikonmp20elwd_20zu1_2_HD
makrosucht: 440pics_1step_nikonmp60elwd_60zu1_HD_2
zgrkrmblr: Darker chitin
Dean Lerman: Long horned beetle (Euporus dubius) Euporus sp. Cerambycidae 10:1 Setup
Can Tunçer: 2017 Mixed Light Macro Setup (Automated)
Matthias Lenke: Common Blue / Hauhechel-Bläuling / Polyommatus icarus
Nikola Rahme: Gatekeeper ant portrait
Matthias Lenke: Flea / Floh / Siphonaptera
johnhallmen: Playing the strings
Jim Patterson Photography: The Eye of Alabama Hills - Double Arch, Lone Pine, California
linden.g: Sunset Moth
laurie.knight: Sunset moth wing scales
Kvejlend: red damselfly
thien87us: IMG_2680
Thomas Shahan: Female Rabid Wolf Spider - Rabidosa rabida
alan howe: Happy Birthday Oregon!
AnimalExplorer: 2 types of nectar bats sharing the same agave flower
Betina La Plante: Now & Then
samebody: White whale_3
Glenn Bartley - Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis)
Thomas Shahan: Adult Male Jumping Spider at Sunset - Phidippus mystaceus
Glenn Bartley - Andean Cock-of-the-Rock - 01
Lil Snoop: Green Crested Lizard