s_joellyn: snow sand shelf
s_joellyn: katie scotty on snow hill
s_joellyn: tim snow hill
s_joellyn: katie now you see me now you dont
s_joellyn: katie scotty walking
s_joellyn: red cliff
s_joellyn: group photo
s_joellyn: smooth ice wall
s_joellyn: tim poking ice
s_joellyn: lines on cliff
s_joellyn: katie scotty in crevice
s_joellyn: trees growing out of cliff
s_joellyn: sea caves
s_joellyn: katie by cliff
s_joellyn: katie base of cliff
s_joellyn: katie picture of cliff
s_joellyn: icicles
s_joellyn: katie under icicles
s_joellyn: katie pictures of ice
s_joellyn: cliffs
s_joellyn: long view
s_joellyn: katies nest
s_joellyn: through the hole
s_joellyn: through the hole2
s_joellyn: katie in little hole
s_joellyn: looking out to sea
s_joellyn: icicle cave
s_joellyn: tim katie scotty inside cave
s_joellyn: katie arms openw tim
s_joellyn: katie arms open