s_joellyn: sunrise2
s_joellyn: sunrise3
s_joellyn: sunrise star 6 am
s_joellyn: maya and i silhouette
s_joellyn: sunrise big cloud
s_joellyn: sunrise4
s_joellyn: sunrise wide
s_joellyn: sunrise5
s_joellyn: sunrise our camp
s_joellyn: sunrise look at the ducks maya
s_joellyn: sunrise look at ducks2
s_joellyn: sunrise wish she was that peaceful
s_joellyn: sunrise peeking
s_joellyn: sunrise almost there
s_joellyn: sunrise rocks
s_joellyn: sunrise log
s_joellyn: sunrise log clouds
s_joellyn: sunrise clouds lake
s_joellyn: sunrise clouds lake2
s_joellyn: sunUP
s_joellyn: sunrise coffee