Photomoose888: Copt Oak Mast Sunrise October 21st
Photomoose888: IMG_1685
Photomoose888: Look into the eyes not around the eyes.....
Photomoose888: Saltire
Photomoose888: Essentials
Photomoose888: BMW 525 TDS (The oil burner)
Photomoose888: Lesser spotted Tree Nutter
Photomoose888: Raspers parking malfunction.
Photomoose888: Mount Saint Bernards
Photomoose888: 311020081386
Photomoose888: 171020081202
Photomoose888: 021020081055
Photomoose888: Paws for thought....
Photomoose888: 031020081098
Photomoose888: You can't see me!
Photomoose888: Harry Hooter
Photomoose888: Aaaahhh
Photomoose888: Old timer
Photomoose888: Lazy days
Photomoose888: Cat n Cathy
Photomoose888: Trevor "Fixit"s lathe