tonimoontails: 7527 puppy adoption in the works
tonimoontails: 7528 Payton trying the - please take me home - look
tonimoontails: 7529 Payton
tonimoontails: 7531 Maudes test walk
tonimoontails: 7532 Marley - hugging volunteers
tonimoontails: 7538 Hope and Maude sharing GOING HOME stories
tonimoontails: 7551 Maude reassuring Gingerbread Man that he too will get a home - soon
tonimoontails: 7553 Maude said she wanted to wait right there
tonimoontails: 7556 Hope - Getting ready for new home
tonimoontails: 7558 Nona
tonimoontails: 7560 Nona
tonimoontails: 7563 exhausted - but on hold for adoption
tonimoontails: 7567 what about me
tonimoontails: 7569 Verna explains Adoption Contract while Maria reviews another one
tonimoontails: 7572 Nona