Melissa2910: paris theme
Melissa2910: display
Melissa2910: little touches
Melissa2910: display
Melissa2910: snacks
Melissa2910: little touches
Melissa2910: drinks
Melissa2910: My beautiful 1 yr old
Melissa2910: refreshments
Melissa2910: mmm...cupcakes
Melissa2910: decorations
Melissa2910: the showing table
Melissa2910: showing off her outfit
Melissa2910: decorations
Melissa2910: Evelyn
Melissa2910: treats
Melissa2910: mommy and birthday girl
Melissa2910: being bashful
Melissa2910: contemplating
Melissa2910: Big sister
Melissa2910: first cake
Melissa2910: present time
Melissa2910: sisters
Melissa2910: Cheese face