The Architects' Journal on Flickr: New Worlds within the Old Town -Centre for Film in Andalucia - Ross Perkin
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Cadiz City Model - Cadiz Studio 2006-8
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Cadiz City Plan - Cadiz Studio 2006-8
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Rhythm Analysis - Old Town marketplace Cadiz -Emma Bush and Andrew Brooks
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Landscapes of Production - - Emma Bush
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Landscapes of Production - Bahia de Cadiz - Eamma Bush.
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Landscapes of Production- field+work - Emma Bush
The Architects' Journal on Flickr: Landscapes of Production - plan view- Emma Bush