Rocktown, IN:
Harry Blomme sketches
Rocktown, IN:
Installation view 2
Rocktown, IN:
east wall-found photos-children
Rocktown, IN:
east wall 1
Rocktown, IN:
Georgia Kraus watercolor
Rocktown, IN:
found children's prints
Rocktown, IN:
found collage and Randy Wyatt O.J. Simpson
Rocktown, IN:
Randy Wyatt O.J. with found 1960 photo
Rocktown, IN:
Installation photo 4
Rocktown, IN:
found photos-russian couple
Rocktown, IN:
found photos-1916
Rocktown, IN:
Installation view 1
Rocktown, IN:
Installation photo 3
Rocktown, IN:
Georgia Kraus watercolor portraits
Rocktown, IN:
Greg Brown sketch by Jan Scott Boyer
Rocktown, IN:
Thrift art portrait-blue eyed lady
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-erotica
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-family2
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-family1
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-princess
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-Harley
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-"Burkey"
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-pony ride
Rocktown, IN:
found photo-sweetiepie
Rocktown, IN:
found photo tiara1